AccuPoint has the capability of billing to secondary payers for your clients. It is a two-step process that involves data entry in two unique fields – Insurance Numbers and Waterfall Map. After data is entered for your client, you will be able to utilize this feature through the submission report just like you would for primary insurance billing. >This article explains how to add a waterfall map.
>Permissions: Payroll & Billing
- Click the Waterfall Map link in the Scheduling section of the navigation bar of the AccuPoint homepage.
- Click the Add New Item link. The new item screen for the waterfall map displays.
- Fill and select the appropriate client information in the following fields.
- Title – enter a name for the new item
- Primary Payer- select the primary payer
- Primary Service- select the primary parent service scheduled on the calendar
- Primary – select the primary sub-service (service name you see when scheduling in the calendar)
- Secondary Payer- select the secondary payer
- Secondary Service- select the secondary parent service scheduled on the calendar (bills out under this service after you get the denial from the primary payer)
- Secondary– select the secondary sub-service
- Click the Save button.