Authorization documents
If a document is an authorization document you will be taken to the documents list automatically, but this documents list can be accessed at any time via the documents link.
Uploading Documents:
Entering Hours into Authorizations
- Select the plus sign to expand the document list for a given requirement.
- To enter the properties for a specific document you will need to select the “Edit properties” option from the drop down menu which can be located by selecting the arrow between the client’s name and the name of the document.
- Please verify the start and end dates first before moving to the next section.
- Select the “Document services” associated to this type of document which will prompt a new set of fields that corresponds to the selected service.
- Hours entered in the corresponding fields will determine how many hours a client can receive of the selected service.
- Hours entered in the corresponding fields will determine how many hours a client can receive of the selected service.
- The “Service plan required” checkbox must always be checked off for the hours to be recognized by the system.
- “Days” will determine how many hours will be allotted for a specified number of days.
- “Months” will determine how many hours will be allotted for a specified number of months.
- “Years” will determine how many hours will be allotted for a specified number of years.
- “Entire Plan” will determine how many hours will be allotted for the entire duration of the authorization.
- “Service plan periods to expiration” will specify the number of days, months or years that you would have selected in the period scale.
- “Plan periods by week” checkbox will pro rate the first and last weeks hours for the authorization and for the duration of the authorization the hours will run on a weekly basis from Sunday to Saturday.
- “Approved hours” will be the total amount of hours for the time that you specified via the period scale and periods to expiration.
- “Minimum appointment duration” will be the minimum duration that a session can be scheduled in the calendar for this service.
The way this reads would be: 25 approved hours every 7 days with a minimum duration of 0.5 hours for a session.
- Enter your authorization number in the following field
- The last step is regarding the services associated to the authorization document. This will auto populate the services associated to the authorization.